
5435 Bull Valley Rd
Suite 110
McHenry, IL 60050

Office Hours

Mon – Thurs: 8 am –7 pm
Friday: 8 am–3 pm
Sat – Sun: Closed

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Additional Physical Therapy Services

Other Physical Therapy Services Offered

Physical Therapists provide a continuum of care including preventive, rehabilitation and fitness/wellness programs. Physical Therapy also provides a possible alternative to surgery and pain medications. Doctors of Physical Therapy are considered movement specialists that examine and develop a plan of care using a variety of treatment techniques that improve movement, reduce pain, restore function, and reduce or prevent disability.

After a thorough examination and medical history review by our therapist, we will design a program to address each patient’s body imbalances, injuries and personal abilities. Special testing will help guide and determine the needs of each individual by identifying deficits in areas such as: range of motion, postural misalignment, joint mobility, strength, core stability, balance, and myofascial restrictions. When the patient has an active medical diagnosis, the therapist works with the MD to ensure continuity of care.

Customized Exercise Programs
Core Stabilization
Balance and Fall Prevention
Foam Roller
Myofascial Release Self-Treatment Ball
Therapy Bands, Free Weight, Stability Ball
Neuromuscualr Re-edu: PNF, Contract-Relax, Strain-Counter Strain
Pre-operative/Post-operative care
Power Plate® Vibrational Training
Concussion Management
Golf Conditioning

Customized Exercise Programs

When provided by Dr. Mitchell in a 1:1 setting these programs can address the subtleties missed by most traditional therapy and conditioning programs. The therapeutic programs are specifically developed for each person to enhance everyday movements, reduce pain and restore function. Dr. Mitchell employs a wide variety of manual therapy techniques, modalities and a combination of exercises to create a personalized one hour session. Below is a sampling of some of the exercise programs offered at Red Rock Physical Therapy and Wellness.

Core Stabilization

Core strength is developed by prescribing specific back and abdominal exercises. Education is given on proper performance of these exercises. When followed though correctly, they can alleviate low back pain, improve posture, and improve spine flexibility. Biofeedback to activate the proper musculature and avoid substitution patterns is critical for success.

Balance and Fall Prevention

Education is provided about the body’s balance (vestibular) system and fall prevention is strongly emphasized. Balance treatment is tailored to meet individual needs. Proprioceptive exercise, neuromuscular re-education, body awareness, stabilization exercise, and strength training techniques are utilized to correct posture, improve functional mobility and reduce fall risk. A home safety check may also be performed when indicated. Assistive device fitting and training can also be provided to improve safety. In many cases, Dr. Mitchell has found a well rounded balance and fall prevention program can not only reduce the need for an assistive device, but also can improve sport performance and reduce injury risk.

Foam Roller

The foam roller is utilized for a variety of techniques.  Rolling on the foam roller is considered a neurofascial technique and is a useful self-treatment tool which can reduce pain and heal injury. Utilizing the roller in other ways can activate the smaller stabilizer muscles which will improve core and back strength. Exercises based on movements while on the foam roller can include: core stabilization, therapy bands, weighted balls and pilates.

Myofascial Release Self-Treatment Ball

Small balls are used in a variety of positions to encourage the body to stretch and reduce myofascial restrictions. The balls are purposively placed on the body point where release is needed. This technique helps rehydrate the connective tissue and reduce myofascial restrictions which can reduce pain, muscle tightness and improve flexibility and postural alignment. Patients are educated on proper use of the balls and urged to continue using them as a tool for maintenance and self-reliance.

We also offer lymphatic drainage, often combined with MFR therapy treatment.


Therapy Bands, Free weights, Stability Ball

Therapy bands, free weights, stability balls (Swiss ball) and weighted balls are used in a variety of ways to increase muscle strength, muscle tone, and challenge the proprioceptive abilities of the body.

Neuromuscualr Re-edu: PNF, Contract-Relax, Strain-Counter Strain

Neuromuscular re-education can be provided in a range of formats. The proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) technique uses isometric contractions performed in combination with moving the body though various range of motions to improve mobility and function. PNF, Contract-Relax and Stain-Counter Strain techniques can result in large gains in flexibility and reduced pain in a short time due to the use of the body’s neurological mechanisms to optimize a muscles ability to lengthen and relax.

Pre-operative/Post-operative care

Physical therapy treatment can be customized to provide the best possible outcome from surgery. Care is provided with evidence based practice and following post-operative protocols when indicated. Communication between the therapist and surgeon is provided frequently to ensure quality care.

Power Plate® Vibrational Training

We offer the only commercial Power Plate in McHenry County! Power Plate is a piece of exercise equipment that applies whole body vibration that is appropriate for all ages and abilities.  The Power Plate platform uses a consistent, safe and controlled level of vibration that moves in three directions (up and down, front and back, and side to side) and provides a full-body workout in as little as 30 minutes.


Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and pilates can help promote spinal mobility and stability, lengthen shortened muscles, and encourage flexibility. Education on modified positioning can allow an individual to continue these techniques safely at his or her home or yoga studio.


Concussion Management

Concussion care is all about having a well balanced team of health care professionals. As our knowledge of what a concussion truly is advances, so does our care for concussions.


Golf Conditioning

Dr. Mitchell, PT, DPT, MPT,CGS is a Certified GoLo Golf Fitness Specialist. She was trained by William Breland, PT, SCS who has played on the Senior Tour. The GoLo System allows the therapist to find swing compensations and alterations caused by physical factors such as limited range of motion, flexibility and strength deficits. By addressing the found deficits with corrective exercise, drills, conditioning and patterned movement it will result in a more efficient, consistent and powerful swing. By producing these results the golfer will be able to have more productive sessions with the golf pro and greater performance on the green.

Contact Us

Fill out the contact form or give us a call at 815-451-4502 to see how we can help you live pain free!

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