
5435 Bull Valley Rd
Suite 110
McHenry, IL 60050

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Mon – Thurs: 8 am –7 pm
Friday: 8 am–3 pm
Sat – Sun: Closed

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McHenry Physical Therapy Telehealth

Stuck at home with nagging aches and pains, sports injuries, or just had surgery?

Worried you can not get help or it is going to get worse if you don’t get care now?

working from home

Rock Physical Therapy and Wellness, in McHenry, IL is proud to announce our providers are now also offering Telehealth services (aka”TelePhysio”) as an option for patient appointments in the comfort and safety of your own home for Illinois residents. Our expert physical therapists are providing specialized online McHenry physical therapy via virtual video visits. During this time when social distancing is so important for everyone’s health and safety due to COVID-19, we wanted to provide a solution to care for your aches and pains without the worry of leaving your home.

Just because you need to stay home, doesn’t mean you have to suffer with pain and injury. We understand your aches, pains, and health problems don’t go away with social distancing. Red Rock Physical Therapy can get you the ANSWERS to your problems and provide you stellar therapy treatment right now!

What is Telehealth and TeleMedicine?

Telehealth Physical Therapy services are not only possible, but an effective type of telemedicine. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy can help you effectively recover from an injury and reduce pain right in your own home. Our practice has been providing McHenry County, IL patient care since 2012, and we are still here to provide excellent service and positive outcomes via our video virtual office. Though our services, you can learn the most-important stretches, exercises, and self treatment techniques to increase mobility, decrease pain, and keep you living the active lifestyle you desire. No need to waste your time looking for random exercise videos on the web, our physical therapy Telehealth visits are tailored exactly to your needs. With using video technology, your physical therapist will provide an extensive exam, determine appropriate education and resources, exercise sheets and also easy to follow videos to help improve your health. As a patient, you will have access to your physical therapist to answer your therapy questions.

How does our McHenry Telehealth Services Work?

Using Telehealth Physical Therapy services is very similar and models in-person office visits with your physical therapist. Here’s how:

  • At your first Telehealth therapy visit, we ask you questions and collect data.
  • We also complete a physical therapy exam using the information learned.
  • We tell you what’s going on so you know why you’re having a problem.
  • We also provide you options on how to care and solve the problem.
  • Then, we instruct you in techniques to solve the problem from your own home.
  • Follow up Telehealth visits are based on your personal health need.
  • Our Telehealth Physical Therapy care helps you take control of your health while also saving time.
  • You get back to living without aches and pains and doing all the things you want to do!

Reasons Our Telehealth Is So Popular Near You

  • For those needing care but are stuck at home for social distancing, caregiving duties, or family responsibilities.
  • For those who don’t have an easy way to get to the clinic for therapy visits.
  • For the people of McHenry County, Illinois who feel like it’s just a bit too far to drive for therapy.
  • For the people who hate getting stuck in traffic trying to get across town for services.
  • For the people needing physical therapy but have limited time.
  • For anyone who is just more comfortable having their health needs being addressed in the privacy and comfort of their home!

Fill out our Form to Request Telehealth Services Near You

Here Are Some Questions People Frequently Have About McHenry Telehealth

work from home setup

How does Telehealth services work for patients when the physical therapist can’t touch where it hurts? How is a virtual visit different than in person?

McHenry Physical Therapy via Telehealth can be similar to an in-office service. Your exam starts with asking questions about your general health and physical history. Physical therapists can still observe how you move and you can demonstrate your limitations. During your video visit, the therapist can ask you to touch and show where you are having pain. The care plan is developed and you are educated on what is going on and how you can care for your problem. Your Telehealth Physical Therapy services also provide you with the exercises you would have received in the clinic including handouts and videos to use for your home program. Between sessions you practice your home exercises. Follow up visits are based your personal needs to help you get back to your life without the aches and pains.

How does Telehealth Therapy help with Back Pain?

Here is how Physical Therapy works via Telehealth for back pain. Your virtual video physical therapy back exam starts with the physical therapist asking questions about your health and physical history including previous episodes of back pain. Your therapist will examine your posture. Time will be spent watching you move, and analyzing your movement limitations. You will be asked to touch and show where you are having pain and symptoms. As part of your Telehealth visit, the Doctor of Physical Therapy may also assess your workstation if it is thought to be a contributing factor to your pain condition. A care plan is developed for your specific problem, and you will be educated on what is causing your pain and symptoms, and how you can care for your problem in the comfort of your own home. Telehealth physical therapy services still provides you exercise handouts and videos to practice as part of your home program just as if you were in the clinic. Follow up visits are based your personal needs to help you get back to your life without the aches and pains.

How does Telehealth Therapy help with Neck Pain?

Here is how Physical Therapy works via Telehealth for neck pain. Your virtual video physical therapy neck exam starts with the physical therapist asking questions about your health and physical history including previous episodes of neck pain. Your therapist will examine your posture both sitting and standing. Time will be spent watching you move, and analyzing your movement limitations. You will be asked to touch and show where you are having pain and symptoms. As part of your Telehealth visit, the Doctor of Physical Therapy may also assess your workstation if it is thought to be a contributing factor to your neck pain condition. A care plan is developed for your specific problem, and you will be educated on what is causing your pain and symptoms, and how you can care for your problem in the comfort of your own home. Telehealth physical therapy services still provides you exercise handouts and videos to practice as part of your home program just as if you were in the clinic. Follow up visits are based your personal needs to help you get back to your life without the aches and pains.

How does Telehealth Therapy help with Knee Pain?

Here is how Physical Therapy works via Telehealth for knee pain. Your virtual video physical therapy knee exam starts with the therapist asking questions about your health and physical history including previous episodes of knee pain. Your therapist will examine your standing posture and gait (walking pattern). Time will be spent watching you move various ways, analyzing your movement limitations and balance. You will be asked to touch and show where you are having pain and symptoms. A care plan is developed for your specific problem, and you will be educated on what is causing your pain and symptoms, and how you can care for your problem in the comfort of your own home. Telehealth physical therapy services still provides you exercise handouts and videos to practice as part of your home program just as if you were in the clinic. Follow up visits are based your personal needs to help you get back to your life without the aches and pains and to keep you moving and active.

What Other Conditions can be treated with Telehealth Therapy?

Telehealth Physical Therapy can be provided for many patient conditions including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist/hand pain, knee pain, ankle/foot pain, pelvic pain, headaches, joint pain, sports injuries, sprains/strains, gardening injuries, work injuries, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, scoliosis, disc problems, general deconditioning, painful scars and adhesions, fibromyalgia, neurologic dysfunction, post-op conditions and so much more.

Red Rock Physical Therapy and Wellness is also offering Desk Ergonomic Evaluations to address setting up a healthy home workstation to prevent injuries. Since most people have transitioned to a work at home environment, this would be a great time to make sure you are using best practices for computer setup to avoid an aching neck, back, and wrist. Most suggestions can be fixed easily with items already found in your home. This service can be used for children since school is in a e-learning format.

If you don’t see your condition or symptom listed, and you live in Illinois, please feel free to contact us for more information at 815-451-4502 or rrteam@redrocktherapy.com to get your questions answered.

What if I needed Manual Therapy?

Red Rock Physical Therapy and Wellness is known for their manual therapy techniques and speciality including myofascial release, rebounding, unwinding, dry needling, visceral manipulation, cranial sacral therapy, joint mobilizations, and more. We are often the clinic patients have been referred to after trying other therapy clinics, or providers. Your therapist is highly trained to provide you with needed skills and use of tools for self care, which you would also normally receive if you had in-clinic sessions as a patient. Even though the therapist is remote, she can guide you to perform self treatment techniques to relieve tight muscles, spasms, trigger points, adhesions, and myofascial restrictions. Body awareness training and guided relaxation techniques are very useful with addressing patients acute and chronic pain.

You deserve relieve NOW! Don’t wait until you can get an in-office visit. Get a head start learning what you can do to help yourself at home by scheduling a Telehealth visit today. You will not be disappointed. If you desire, you can start with Telehealth and transition to hands on care as soon as the COVID-19 situation stabilizes and office hours are resumed.

I don’t have any workout equipment at home. Can I still use Telehealth services?

mchenry physical therapy office

Physical therapists are very good at adapting to new and various conditions to meet a patients needs. Believe it or not, you most likely have everything you need to perform a physical therapy program at home.

  • Need weights? No problem. Soup cans, water jugs, boxes will work.
  • Stretch strap? Dog leash, yoga strap, belt or a wall works just fine.
  • Foam roll? Roll up a bath or beach towel, and you are on your way to better posture.
  • Balance foam? Stack a few pillows or a couch cushion.
  • Support for balance? The kitchen or bathroom sink is really sturdy.
  • Treatment table? Floor, bed, couch or chair will work.

What technology do I need to know to use Telehealth?

Being a virtual patient doesn’t have to scary. You will see Telehealth is easy to use. If you have a computer, tablet, iPad or smart phone with video capability you can use Telehealth services. No special software is needed. It is simple to use and Red Rock Physical Therapy can use a variety of platforms to meet your needs. Our providers can contact you and walk you though the process to set up your Telehealth session to make it possible to access the patient services you need right now. Many patients have seen the technology is easy to use, and access their therapy provider with a click of a button.

Will I be recorded during my Telehealth session?

No, just like it would be for in-clinic visits, it is our policy that you will not be recorded during your session.

Can Physical Therapists bill for Telehealth?

The simple answer is yes. Physical therapists are currently considered telemedicine providers and can practice remote sessions for patients using video and e-communications. Red Rock Physical Therapy and Wellness can deliver Telehealth to patients in the state of Illinois following the same laws and regulations provided by the Illinois Physical Therapy Practice Act. In general, payers are covering a patients Physical Therapy services via Telehealth following the same guidelines as in-office visits. Deductibles need to be met, just like in-office visits and co-pay/co-insurances still apply. We have affordable rates for the non-insured, or under insured high deductible plans if you choose not to use your insurance plan. If you require more information about your specific plan, please call us at 815-451-4502 or send an email to rrteam@redrocktherapy.com to get your questions answered.

Why Choose Telehealth?

Your journey to get your life back when all other treatments have failed. (Without surgery, medications & injections) can start today from the comfort of your home. There’s no need to take two hours out of your day to get ready and travel to visit your therapy specialist saving you time. Our providers use video virtual physical therapy visits to give you the ease, and comfort, of getting the care you need from the place you’re most comfortable – your home.

Contact an Experienced McHenry Telehealth Specialist Near You

Fill out the contact form or give us a call at 815-451-4502 to see how we can help you live pain free!

McHenry Physical Therapy Review

Red Rock Physical Therapy is a gem tucked away in McHenry. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly. They are willing to work with your schedule to get you in to receive care. They are concerned with your well being and safety. I recommend them to anyone needing physical therapy.

Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Shawn Smosna, April 4, 2020

Read more of our client reviews on our Google profile!

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